Treste Loving

Meet Treste Loving

**Individual experiences represented here may not be typical.  Your background, education, effort, and participation may affect your experience.  Results may vary.**

Meet Treste Loving, a dedicated coach helping police departments navigate and implement racial equity training in a way that fosters understanding and comfort.

Treste’s journey into the knowledge business has been nothing short of transformative. “To be honest, I was scared about the investment,” she admits. “But this program has blown my mind and become the best thing I’ve ever paid for.”

Since joining the program, Treste has already achieved significant success. “I made my first sale—a six-month program, and I’m working on my second sale,” she shares. These breakthroughs happened in a matter of months, fueled by her consistent effort and the tools she gained through the Mastermind community.

One of Treste’s biggest wins has been building her visibility through credibility content. “I’ve been posting regularly, and I’m getting a lot of people engaging with my work,” she explains. This newfound confidence and momentum have set her on a path to continued growth.

“Dean and Tony have been amazing. The way they tell stories feels like they’re speaking directly to me,” Triste says. “It’s hard to find people who are so authentic, and I can’t thank them enough for what they’ve done.”

Treste is now fully committed to her mission. “I’m not hoping—I will keep going, making sales, and changing lives,” she declares.

Treste, your passion and dedication to creating meaningful change are inspiring. Thank you for sharing your journey and showing what’s possible with the right tools and mindset. We’re so proud of your success!

**Individual experiences represented here may not be typical.  Your background, education, effort, and participation may affect your experience.  Results may vary.**