Brenda Bastell

Meet  Brenda Bastell

**Individual experiences represented here may not be typical.  Your background, education, effort, and participation may affect your experience.  Results may vary.**

Meet Brenda Bastell, from Edmonton, Canada, a passionate coach helping high-achieving millennials become exceptional real estate investors.

Brenda’s journey with Project Next Level has been transformative, marked by major breakthroughs in both confidence and skill. “At the start, I struggled to even call myself a coach,” she shares. “I thought, ‘There are way too many coaches out there. What can I offer?’ That mindset held me back for so long.”

One of Brenda’s pivotal moments came when she declared to herself, “I am a coach, and I can do this.” That affirmation transformed her approach and mindset. “The other day, I confidently said it on a call, and that was huge for me.”

Another game-changer for Brenda was discovering the power of great copywriting. “Posting valuable content consistently has been a game-changer. People are starting to know, like, and trust me. They’re reaching out and asking about coaching,” she explains.

The results speak for themselves: Brenda has already booked six one-on-one coaching sessions. “Once you get your first client, the confidence builds, and everything becomes easier. All the hard work—posting, sharing my story, and showing up—has paid off.”

For Brenda, the impact goes beyond the financial rewards. “The money is great, but the real fulfillment comes from helping someone. That feeling sends me to the moon.”

Brenda’s journey highlights the transformative power of stepping out of your comfort zone and taking bold action. “I’m thrilled with how this is changing my life. Thank you, Dean, and thank you to the team—I couldn’t have done this without you.”

Brenda, your story is a testament to the power of confidence, consistency, and community. Thank you for sharing your inspiring journey!

**Individual experiences represented here may not be typical.  Your background, education, effort, and participation may affect your experience.  Results may vary.**