Meet Emma Cowling

Meet Emma Cowling! Starting with a Mastermind event in August of 2022, Emma embraced Dean’s message of taking uncomfortable action, overcoming limiting beliefs about her knowledge and expertise. “When I did the Time To Thrive challenge, I was really inspired by Dean’s message of taking uncomfortable action. One of my limiting beliefs is that I thought people were going to be saying, ‘Who’s Emma Cowling? What makes her an expert?”. Despite her initial fears, she leaned into the advice she gained from Dean and did the uncomfortable with guidance from the Mastermind team.

Driven by a desire to help others, Emma created a course on family planning, drawing from her 10+ years of expertise in lean tools and continuous improvement. 

Emma decided to teach a class about family planning and loved the results her students saw. Yet, she wanted people to have access to her training at any time, which inspired her to create a course on Mastermind. After her course was live, she began sharing it online and gained a ton of traction, including the local media reaching out. 

Having transitioned to self-employment in August, the Mastermind signature course became the perfect avenue for Emma to learn, grow, and try new things. “I’ve learned so much through Project Next [course]. So much about my business and so much about myself personally.” 

From her transformative journey, she aims to inspire others: “Don’t be afraid to try new things. You’ve got to try in order to know whether you’re going to fail or succeed, but either way you’re going to learn and you’re going to grow.” Emma’s dedication and fearless attempts have resulted in significant success, including landing a corporate client.

Emma, your story is a beacon of resilience and determination, reminding us all of the power of embracing discomfort and taking bold action. Your journey from doubt to self-assurance is truly inspiring! Thank you for sharing your experience and wisdom with such openness and honesty. Wishing you boundless success and fulfillment as you continue to forge ahead on your transformative path!

**Individuals experiences represented here may not be typical.  Your background, education, effort, and participation may affect your experience.  Results may vary.