
Meet Gal and Maayan Szmelcman

Introducing Gal and Maayan Szmelcman, the dynamic sister duo and co-founders of Smoozitive, a venture dedicated to empowering women living abroad. Through their journey with the signature Mastermind course and with next level coaching, they navigated transformative experiences, overcoming initial struggles and self-doubt. “We felt stuck… like we really suck at selling,” they candidly express.

However, their journey took a dramatic turn after their experience with Mastermind, where they discovered a newfound love for selling and a passion for their course aimed at helping women thrive in their international journeys. “The most amazing thing… is that we actually fell in love with selling,” they share enthusiastically. With the guidance of Mastermind Coaching, they found unwavering support and a sense of genuine care from the entire team, particularly from Dean himself.

Gal and Maayan emphasize the unique community aspect of the program, highlighting the invaluable encouragement received through Facebook groups and emails. “This program was so different than every other program that we did…We felt like the whole mastermind team really cares. We felt like Dean personally cares about our success and it made us feel amazing.” they acknowledge gratefully.

Their journey culminated in the creation of a course they wholeheartedly believe in, “We’re proud of the products that we have today… We really got to the point where we’re like, we’re not selling. We’re doing a disservice if we’re not putting it down.” they express with pride.

In conclusion, they extend heartfelt gratitude to Mastermind for believing in them and making the seemingly impossible possible. “Thank you for believing in us… we can’t recommend this enough,” they exclaim as a testament.

Gal and Maayan, you both are such a joy and an unstoppable power! We are so proud of all of the actions you continue to take and we are so thrilled at the ripple effect you have on the female community. Keep on going! We can’t wait to see what is next for you both.

**Individuals experiences represented here may not be typical.  Your background, education, effort, and participation may affect your experience.  Results may vary.