
Meet Peg Ruppert

Join us in celebrating Peg Rupert’s remarkable journey within Mastermind coaching. Initially hesitant due to bad past coaching investments, Peg’s experience shifted dramatically upon joining Mastermind. “I felt a connection to the coaches… they were sincerely interested in serving me,” she shares.

Discovering the profound impact of Dean Graziosi and Tony Robbins, Peg found herself drawn to their wisdom and influence. “I knew I wanted to be in proximity… This is where I’m going to grow,” she realized.

Peg’s pivotal moment came when she identified her “DOT” [ideal client] – herself, five years ago, navigating a challenging divorce. “It was that woman who went through a miserable divorce who needed to reclaim her confidence and rebuild her life,” she reflects. This realization served as the cornerstone for her course, guiding her in authentically addressing the needs of individuals facing similar struggles.

With guidance from the Mastermind coaches, Peg unlocked the power of social media, witnessing remarkable growth on her Instagram. “I’ve gone from zero to 300 followers… I’m building relationships and starting to get people to convert into my course,” she exclaims.

Now, fueled by inspiration from Mastermind, Peg believes she’s on the brink of a new chapter in her life. “I believe I’m on the trajectory of the next great chapter of my wonderful life,” she declares, inviting others to join her on this journey of transformation and possibility.

Peg – We are so proud, not only of your mission and who you serve, but also of who you are. Thank you for being a light and a positive example inside of our community. We are loving the momentum you have already built and love watching you continue to grow. 

**Individuals experiences represented here may not be typical.  Your background, education, effort, and participation may affect your experience.  Results may vary.